1904 Main St.
Northampton, PA
We are the people who worship, learn, and do our ministry in and around the building called Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. We are the disciples who make up the congregation. We are Christians who believe in and follow the teachings and writings of Martin Luther and his successor reformers in what has become the Lutheran Church. A more thorough explanation of Who We Are and What We Believe as the Lutheran Chruch can be found by clciking www.elca.org and/or by reading then many works of Martin Luther and the publications of the Lutheran fellowship itself. Some primary (and essential) resourses would be Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms and the Book of Concord (including the Augsburg Confession) recentlytranslated by Robert Kolb and Timothy Wengert.
The people worship on Sunday morning and have access to weekly Communion. They are not only active in our Ministries, but in the community around us.
The Quilting Group
The women create quilts (and afghans) to be sent to foreign mission porjects. We have also provided quilts for local and national disaster releif projects and for fund raising events.
These ministries include everything from visits to surrounding care facilities and hospitals to "adopting" a family recently stricken by the floodsin recent years. We work closely with the Lutheran Congregational Services and relief agencies in the area. We believe that the word "evangelism" should be taken in its original context...that of preaching the good news of Jesus Vhrist theough word and action.
Youth Group
This ministry is currently in a state of rebirth as we strive to offer altenate activities for the children of this congregation and the families around us. We focus not only on the young and very young,but provide activities for the family as well. You can learn more by worshipping with usand joining us in fellowship every Sunday.